Where I been, what I seen...

With no clear reason other than a window of opportunity, I present the first in a series of pictures from the Undershorts Film Fest in Chicago last weekend. For those uninitiated, Undershorts is a film-fest/celebration of performance multimedia that's been running now for seven years strong. It was truly an amazing experience as a partygoer/participant, and so I took it upon myself to document it with my camera, and at well over 400 pictures, I can't say that it wasn't an enthusiastic undertaking for me.
I've widdled these down for posting on the web, but it's still a lot, so I'll be putting them up in three chunks. Admittedly, many of these shots are reduntant, but I figured they might mean more to some of the people at the show, so this is as much for attendees as anyone. The first of these entries is the pre-underparty preparations. It would take too much time to explain everything that's going on here, but as you can see there was a lot to do to get the space ready. Even without everything in place, the Congress Theater is a beautiful building and it likes being photographed.

A NOTE TO UNDERSHORTS PERFORMERS AND ATTENDEES: Feel free to use these pictures for whatever you wish and don't hesitate to email me for a higher res version. All I ask if you're using a shot for press or web use is to issue me a photo credit. Otherwise, go nuts, have fun and let's do it again soon!