it's DONE. The film I have been obsessing over, bitching about and feeding all of my free time towards is at its end. I have reached the saturation point of work that I can do on it to make it "work" any better. As of Saturday, December 18 at 1 PM, the first final output of "The Family Tie" was completed onto DVD and rushed out the door to make the deadline for Troma Film's fest... Tromadance. Then I burned a few more copies and headed out the door with Jen Rock to catch a flight out herre to Chicago for the first public screening at the bar Deja Vu. It's good to have deadlines, and mine were met - I am done.
But will I ever be DONE? Now comes the fun part: the marketing! Oh gosh, how I love that part. But seriously there are some ideas I have to make the presentation pop a bit, so it's not hopeless. As part of the press material for film fests and mags, whatever, i'm including a family tie and a copy of the contract that John forces Joanne to sign in the opening scene that was ultimately cut from the final version. Fun little hooks.
The plan is to have a grand premiere in February. If you're reading this blog, chances are you're a friend and, at this point, I'm more than happy to have you watch it either with me or borrow a copy. But this will not, in any way, excuse you from attending my PREMIERE because I'm going to pull out all the stops in begging everyone to attend. So just be prepared for that.
As for the long silence and gaps between posts, I needn't explain myself in too much detail but know that this last month was an insane romp of obsessive time consumption. Not just on Family Tie but on the shows I was working on for Court TV: two episodes of Major Misbeheavior. They're going to kinda bury them into a late night slot later this month, but you kids should definitely tune in to check it out: i involved some of our friends in a major misbehavior segment on pot smoking - that was fun.
But now the shows are done and the movie is done and soon, 2004 will be done. I'm sorry if I haven't been available to anyone if they needed me, but my schedule has decidedly taken a turn towards freedom at this point and I'm more than happy to field any questions you may have for me at this point. Let's start with the gentleman in the back wearing that smart hat...