goodbye broken heart

As most of you probably are aware of by now, Jen Rock and I have separated. He was 75 years old.
It was a long and rewarding relationship in many ways, and so the decision to part was certainly one neither of us took lightly. Fortunately, our separation was very amicable; i think both of us wanted to keep things as peaceful as possible between us while we were still living together and I'm happy to say that went smoothly. Nevertheless, it is unlikely we will be able to resume a friendship for some time.
It's always disappointing or a bit of a letdown when you get to the place where you have to admit that the relationship was a failure and need move on for both parties' betterment, but i think we did so gracefully and as drama-free as possible. We've been down this road a few times before so we've had more than enough practice. Only this time feels a bit more final and definite. You can't push a relationship harder than sharing an apartment or home with them - there's nowhere to hide anymore so you either shit or get off the pot. For us, the pot needed to be replaced, and so here we are.

There's a lot of history between jen and myself. We've been involved, on and off, in and out of relationships with each other over the last 5 years. There have been great highs and lows, emotional desperation and assurance and plenty of great sex. And to the naysayers who were always skeptical, dubious or judgmental of our involvement with one another (and there were a few), fuck you. It was never any of your business to begin with and last i checked, we are all human.
I've been swimming in apartment make-over (more on that craziness a little later) and so I haven't had a chance to really let the loss completely sink in. Keeping busy is a good way to postpone it, but I dread the day when the pied piper of heartbreak comes along to collect his kids. Hopefully, i'll be out of town when that happens.
"Jen Rock and I have separated. He was 75 years old."
That fucking cracked me up for like 5 minutes!
But it's sad. The overall tone...
You're very observant - most people don't get that at first glance.
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