Goodness! I should think not...
Well, the holidaze has come and went and well, I feel the better for it. I don't know about y'all but I'm very grateful to come from a relatively low-drama family, at least that's how i see it. But all whatnots aside, my time in Chicago was a wonderful combination of holiday and vacation and celebration. Seeing friends and family was a good time on the whole, and having Jen there to experience it alongside made it more special. While this sort of positive exclamation of happiness is maybe slightly out of character for me, I would nonetheless like it noted that I have put forth the effort not to be remembered as a grinch.
A ton of stuff seems to spiral out of nowhere and life takes its course. It's been that kind of year for me and '05 is launching me into an uncertain, but positive, future. Most pressing, however, is my need to find new lodging. I'm hoping to move by Feb. 1, so you - yes you, reader - if you should hear of any living situations for a bachelor looking for a single living situation, please think of me!
More on all of this - oh my yes - later, but in the meantime, here is an offering in the tradition of true holiday giving...

A ton of stuff seems to spiral out of nowhere and life takes its course. It's been that kind of year for me and '05 is launching me into an uncertain, but positive, future. Most pressing, however, is my need to find new lodging. I'm hoping to move by Feb. 1, so you - yes you, reader - if you should hear of any living situations for a bachelor looking for a single living situation, please think of me!
More on all of this - oh my yes - later, but in the meantime, here is an offering in the tradition of true holiday giving...

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