Sunday, April 20, 2008


In part two of THE NEW YORK STALKER trilogy, Ben Warren, serial killer/rock star, continues his search for fresh prey throughout the boroughs of New York City. This adventure finds him slinking along the side-streets of Astoria Queens after he sees an older woman riding a city bus. There’s something different about her that compels him beyond restraint and drives him to follow her home. What happens next is likely to shock, terrify and haunt you for years to come… VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK!

THE NEW YORK STALKER is a three-part music video trilogy directed by Matthew Glasson adapted from the music of Ben Warren. It is based, in part, on the stalker/slasher sub-genre of horror films of the ‘70s and ‘80s such as the original FRIDAY THE 13TH, John Carpenter’s HALLOWEEN and The Weinstein Brother’s THE BURNING.

And now a few notes from the director...

Of the three videos, this one was definitely the smallest scale of the lot, hence it was dubbed "the throwaway video." I had a basic conceit (Ben sings a love song about seeing a girl but his object of affection turns out to be a geriatric woman) but when I told him about the idea and we discussed who could play the part of the older woman, Ben's mom (Jeannette Warren) seemed a likely (and only) candidate. Suddenly, the whole piece took on an uncomfortable, oedipal sort of tone. Perfect! It clicked.

We went to shoot this up near Jeannette's apartment in Astoria, Queens without any sort of storyboard but I had a few basic shots in mind as far as Ben's "reveals" were concerned. The idea was simple and we didn't want to overshoot the video to keep it in line with the minimalist approach to the song. The worst part was definitely getting the bus scene in the beginning. Obviously we weren't asking permission prior to shooting so we were "winging it" both on the streets and off. As a result, the bus footage (nearly 30 minutes of it) was largely shakey, unusable and had no continuity. It's a minor miracle that the scene came out at all.

Jeannette's a sweetheart and was very easy to work with. At times she seemed a little impatient but ultimately I think she really loved doing this. I have no idea what she thinks of the final result, but like most moms she thinks anything her son does is gold, even if it's stalking her and nearly suffocating her with a pillow.

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